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quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014

Devil May Cry 3 OST


Devil May Cry 3 Original Soundtrack
After the success of the Devil May Cry Original Soundtrack and Devil May Cry 2 Original Soundtrack, Capcom decided to release the Devil May Cry 3 Original Soundtrack on March 31, 2005, shortly after the release of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, with Tetsuya Shibata and Kento Hasegawa credited as the producers.[1] This was released as a 3-disc set.
The vocal songs from Devil May Cry 3 were written and the rough vocals performed by Shawn "Shootie HG" McPherson of heavy metal band Hostile Groove, with David Baker performing the more melodic vocals.

Track listing

Pass : 4rc4n4

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