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terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2014

Strider 2014 OST


Strider HD Original Game Soundtrack (steam pre-order)
-Soundtrack Details-
 Title: Strider HD: Original Game Soundtrack
 Publisher: Velvet Green Music
 Release Date: 19 Feb 2014
 Platforms: PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One & PC
 Quality: 320 kbps
 01 - Raid 2:03
 02 - Kazakh City 3:12
 03 - Coup 2:15
 04 - The Mechanical Dragon 1:57
 05 - Transit 1:59
 06 - Mass Cloud 1:43
 07 - The Four Winds 2:31
 08 - Cybernetics 2:44
 09 - Military 2:59
 10 - The Armed Fortress 2:22
 11 - Techno Mage 2:24
 12 - Egypt 2:06
 13 - Research 2:23
 14 - Siberian Tunnel 1:56
 15 - Underground 2:08
 16 - The Black Market 2:09
 17 - Balrog 2:15
 18 - Kazakh Theme 2:26
 19 - The Moon Tower 2:20
 20 - Grandmaster Meio 2:16
 Total length 46:10
 -Download Links-


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