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Mostrando postagens com marcador IndiesGames. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 26 de abril de 2013

GamesIndies #26/04/2013


Conheça Strike Vector, um belo shooter espacial que está sendo produzido por apenas 4 pessoas
Há tempos que não surge um novo shooter espacial, gênero que foi tão popular em gerações passadas. Se você sente falta deste tipo de jogo, anime-se, pois um time de 4 pessoas (?!) está produzindo Strike Vector, um game “de navezinha” 3D muito promissor!
Claro que não estamos falando de 4 pessoas quaisquer. O talentoso time por trás de Strike Vector conta com veteranos da indústria dos games, que já passaram por empresas como Quantic Dream, Sony e Vivendi Universal.
Obviamente, o conhecimento desses caras está sendo muito bem aproveitado: Strike Vector está sendo todo produzido em cima da poderosa Unreal Engine, e seu visual é incrível.
Entre as novidades promissoras do game, temos a possibilidade do jogador alternar entre visão em primeira ou terceira pessoa: entrando em Jet Mode, o jogador vê sua nave de fora, podendo realizar manobras mais rápidas. Já  no Hover Mode a câmera “entra” na nave, permitindo maior precisão de mira.
Se você curtiu o trailer e quer ficar ligado em mais novidades sobre Strike Vector, fique ligado na página do Facebook do game. Ainda não há previsão de lançamento, mas podemos esperar (no mínimo) uma versão PC do game.

terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

GamesIndies #24/04/2013


Vanguard Princess
Are any of you folks looking for another great 2D fighting game to master? Well, if you answered yes, then do I have a treat for you! Before I continue, if there are any amongst us who don't like to see really beautiful women, girls, and loli-types engaging in combat, then please leave now. For everyone else, you'll want to stick around. This Doujin game made waves when it was first released and even in spite of its limitations, it is easily one of the best free Doujin fighters.
Vanguard Princess is another game made with Enterbrain's PC Fighter Maker utility, much like many of the Doujin fighters we've covered before, so what makes this one so special? Well, besides the simply gorgeous 2D sprites and animations you'd expect from a commercial release, a standard roster of interesting and exotic characters, 2-on-2 fighting and a modest soundtrack, this game is said to be developed by Ex-Capcom member Sugeno Tomoaki (Suge9), who worked on such games as Resident Evil 3 and Sammy's The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood.

Suge9: Vanguard Princess
For the vector download, go to:
Monster Game Sample - PC/Doujin
"Monster" is a fighting game primarily created and designed by ShoK, an Ex-Capcom member who is probably most known for his involvement with the Street Fighter Alpha and Darkstalkers series. One of the characters he prides himself with is the creation of Jon Talbain, which there is a character in Monster who strongly resembles Jon through his many characteristics (Othello).
Monster's cast has a majority of "furry" members, though all the characters are abnormal in some way. There are also characters like Siely who is more of a succubus, Delga who is a dragon-type, and Maya who is basically a witch. This game has an interesting concept and the characters (with the exception of Aleksander, who is probably the closest thing this game has to "Dan") have a fair deal of versatility made more apparent through the game's three fighting shifts: Monster, Freedom, and Tranquility. Monster grants you more power, Freedom grants you more fighting flexibility and combo potential (with less power), and Tranquilty grants various properties and can make a character more unpredicatbale and harder to peg.
Oh, and since I've been getting a number of PMs, you can find the PC game below:

Rune World SP [Majewelune World Special] Game Sample - PC/Doujin
On the surface, this game didn't look like much, but given the roster of characters and the generic look of the game, I was actually quite surprised. Majewelune World actually has a large cast of odd characters skilled in the ways of melee and magic. It is one of the few Fighter Maker games that I've downloaded that has a real practice mode. It is also one of the only Fighter Maker games that has mini-games beyond the staple car destruction or item collection. In the video, I also used a horse-man who parodies Kenshirou from Fist of the North Star! ATATATATATATATAAAAA!

Anyway, enjoy.
Les Misérables [Arm Joe] Game Sample - PC/Doujin
Just when you think games can't get any stranger, you fiddle around the Internet and find games like this. Well, I can't say I necessarily "found" this one recently, as I had known about it for quite some time, but it was brought to my attention that there weren't many videos for it, so I decided to get to work. What's it about? Well, considering that even a relatively uncultural (?) fellow like myself has heard of Les Misérables

Dong Dong Never Die Game Sample - PC/Doujin/Indie
Here's an unusual game: A Chinese game developed with the Tsukuru Fighter Maker program and expanded with other tools to do things average FM games don't, such as support net play (don't know what a Chinese doujin is called). This is one of the most amazing, broken freeware fighters I've played in a long time. To clarify a little, I find the game amazing, but it is also amazingly broken in what I can presume to be intentional, as almost every character has the ability to do cheap infinity or 100% combos.

I wouldn't obviously compare this game with a commercial release, but it's definitely worth a download. We play as Da Lan. You can read more about the game and get download links at:;wap2
Super Cosplay War Ultra Game Sample - PC/Doujin
Made by the same team who made the oldie but goodie, "Fighters Kyodotai" comes one of the most legendary of all doujin fighting games (take that however you see fit), "Super Cosplay War Ultra", and it has seen many revisions and the like over the years (such as the removal of some 100% combos). What was being thought up since some time in 2003, the game has at last reached what the devs consider the "Final" version (outside of any bug fixes and the like) back in late 2009. Six years of work has lead to "Super Cosplay War Ultra: ver. Genkai Toppa" (the version in this video)... the final version... wow... I can say at least to some extent that the effort shows.
We don't call the game by its whole name so as to limit some confusion (and shorten the title), as there are various versions of the game and some people may not know they have the full version or not. Just know that this is "Super Cosplay War Ultra: ver. Genkai Toppa", the latest version at this point. We'll provide a download link as well as a link to the main website for the game anyway, so if they make a newer version, you can keep up with them. The game is also called SCWU by most fans of the game.

Main Download Page:
(Click the large "DOWNLOAD" button, the small one just has a Movelist file that's been fixed)
Thien-Ron Game Sample - PC/Doujin
Thien-Ron (known also as Axel City Gaiden) is a side-story addition to Axel City and part of Project Atsuki. The two games can also be combined into one game to increase the original Axel City roster to over 30 by importing the Thien-Ron characters and data to Axel City. However, it looks a bit out of place as Thien-Ron has more detailed characters and stages as well as naunces not in Axel City.

Click the first link under the red text to go to vector and click the green download buttons to get to the tuikaban.exe. Activate its exe. and install the files somewhere. Then go find the folder(s) you created (main folder is tuikaban) and enter the sub folders. You'll find a bunch of files- these are the Thien-Ron stages and such you need. Copy them all into your official Axel City game folder and run Axel City. The characters should be added to the AC roster. There might be a few edits however (Axel City opening doesn't seem to play last I remember, but T-R's does if you select a T-R character).

segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

Super Tokusatsu Onore


Vocês devem estar se perguntando o que é isso… Pois bem, vamos lá… Estamos falando de nada mais que um jogo bem elaborado, feito de fã para fãs de Toku. Está em desenvolvimento desde 2006.
O jogo já tem 3 demos e sua última versão o jogador pode escolher jogar com: Change Pégasus, Kamen Rider Faiz, Kamen Rider Ryuki e Saki Asamiya. Possue também um personagem que ao longo do jogo pode ser desbloqueado.

A jogabilidade é bem simples, bem parecida com o jogo dos Power Rangers ( Super Nintendo) e Street  of Rage ( Mega Drive). Os vilões do jogo são bem conhecidos por tokufans, entre eles: Pirata espacial Buba do seriado Changeman, Gals de Flashman, e o gorila Karas de Spectreman. A trilha sonora não pode ser diferente, contendo instrumentais de músicas temas de séries de toku, como por exemplo a abertura de Cybercops. 
E para quem pensa que o jogo só é propaganda, estão enganados, o nível do jogo é difícil e o gráfico não deixa a desejar.


Obs: Como o jogo é feito de fã para fãs, então ele é distribuído gratuitamente sem fins lucrativos, pelo canal do desenvolvedor, podendo também clicar no link abaixo e conferir o jogo.

Tokusatsu: O Despertar do Herói


É um livro de RPG que deve ser usado em conjunto com o livro O Mundo das Trevas da White Wolf.
Esta publicação possibilitará a você um mergulho no universo de heróis japoneses bem semelhante às séries de tokusatsu.
Para jogar Tokusatsu: O Despertar do Herói, além deste e-book, você vai precisar do livro “O Mundo das Trevas”, Fichas de Personagens, um mínimo de 5 dados de dez faces e muita imaginação!

terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013

GamesIndies #16/04/2013
Kamen Rider Gaiden

PC é uma plataforma que, infelizmente, é meio esquecida quando o assunto é jogo de luta. Mas eis que agora, os PCs estão recebendo um jogo de luta inspirado no excelente Street Fighter III. Conheça na sequência, o promissor Yatagarasu!
Produzido pelo estúdio indie PDW: Hotapen - que conta com ex-funcionários da Capcom e da SNK -, Yatagarasu é meio que uma homenagem à Street Fighter III, com personagens e estilos de luta inspirados no injustiçado título da Capcom.
O game conta com oito personagens selecionáveis, todos desenhados pelo lendário Kotani Tomoyuki, artista que assina os sprites de diversos games da série The King of Fighters.
Além de ser um legítimo game de luta 2D old school, o game promete acrescenta novidades interessantes ao gênero, como um botão de parry (um ataque feito para desviar o ataque adversário e abrir sua defesa) e combos muito variados, além, é claro, de golpes especiais muito estilosos e suporte para partidas online.
Você pode até mesmo escolher o comentarista da sua luta – entre três famosos jogadores japoneses – que vai comentar empolgadamente (em japônes, claro) sobre seu desempenho na partida!
Pois aproveite, PC gamer, pois Yatagarasu foi lançado para apenas duas plataformas: PC e Nintendo 3DS.
yatagarasu 4.3 combo movie


Angry Video Game Nerd
O Angry Video Game Nerd é uma das figuras mais populares da internet (para nós, gamers, claro). Como ele é um sujeito que “adora” jogos clássicos, nada mais justo do que estrelar um game retrô: vem aí The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures!
Produzido pelo Screw Attack Games, em parceria com o Freakzone Games, The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures será um jogo de ação e plataforma com visual retrô que vai colocar o famoso nerd reclamão para desbravar dungeons e enfrentar monstros em estilo 8-bit.
Obviamente, o game será recheado de referências a jogos clássicos e easter eggs: já de cara podemos ver que o protagonista utiliza uma pistola Zapper, do Nintendinho, como arma!
Além do próprio Angry Video Game Nerd, o game deve contar com outros personagens destraváveis, todos oriundos de jargões e expressões do programa.
E as referências não devem parar por aí: a imagem lá de cima já mostra que teremos algumas pitadas de Super Mario no game, mas é certo que podemos esperar referências a Mega Man, Metroid, Castlevania e diversas outras franquias clássicas.
Você é um fã do Angry Video Game Nerd e quer curtir este game? Então faça sua parte: visite a página do jogo no Steam Greenlight neste link e vote em The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures. Como de praxe, os jogos mais votados serão realmente disponibilizados para compra na loja virtual!
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures - Official Debut Trailer


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Ultimate Mugen HD
Sim projeto por fan da obra JOJO BIZARRE ADVENTURE LOL

site do game

Street Fighter SNK version
aCreditem é aversion de fans  em SNK no street fighter #LOL

Castlevania Fighter
jogo mungem do universo Castlevania
Konata chan
Kof Lien
Nightmare - Soul Calibur
Tekken chuchoryu proyect
Ogre Mugen char vr /rar/FHuDIqbz/CvS_Ogrestage.html?
Devil Jin - Download:

quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2013

Brazil Punch #10/04/2013

PC    AfterDark: conheça o ambicioso game 100% brasileiro que quer a sua ajuda para ficar pronto

Já vimos diversos projetos muito bacanas de games buscando subsídio no Kickstarter. Hoje porém, vamos te apresentar um projeto muito especial: AfterDark, um promissor beat’ em up de fantasia que está sendo produzido por uma empresa 100% brasileira!
Obra do estúdio gaúcho NapalmStudios, AfterDark pretende ressuscitar o gênero beat’ em up, acrescentando alguns recursos típicos de um RPG.
Porém, não estamos falando de um projeto pequeno, feito de qualquer jeito: o NapalmStudios está dando um tratamento “classe A” ao jogo, utilizando caprichosas técnicas de motion capture e outros recursos bacanas para deixar o game muito bem polido.
Para dar conta deste projeto, o NapalmStudios está buscando a ajuda dos fãs: o estúdio quer arrecadar 110 mil dólares para poder dar continuidade ao projeto.

Marta Suplicy, vale-cultura e a revolta gamer
O mundo dos games está em guerra contra Marta Suplicy, Ministra da Cultura desde setembro de 2012, por declarações recentes envolvendo jogos eletrônicos e o vale-cultura. O benefício foi sancionado por Dilma em dezembro, e prevê que o trabalhador ganhe uma grana para gastar “em cinemas ou teatros e na aquisição de livros, CDs e DVDs”. Marta deixou os games de fora e irritou muita gente. Mas, como sempre, o figurativo buraco dessa questão é bem mais embaixo.

O vale-cultura beneficia trabalhadores que ganham até 5 salários mínimos (R$ 3.390) e sejam devidamente registrados no regime CLT (desculpem aí os pejotinhas). O trabalhador receberia um cartão que poderia ser recarregado mensalmente com R$ 50 em valores acumulativos, sendo R$ 5 descontados do salário do trabalhador que optar por receber o vale e R$ 45 pagos pela empresa que aderir ao programa. O governo, então, reduziria o imposto das empresas participantes em 1%. O trabalhador, no entanto, poderia gastar essa verba como quisesse – cinema, CDs, DVDs, teatro, shows e afins. À primeira vista parece lindo.
Eles precisam de sua ajuda PRESS
No começo da semana, conhecemos o projeto de Paulo Crumbim e o seu Gnut, mas esse não é o único jogo rolando no Catarse. Dreaming Sarah e Tormenta também querem sua atenção.
>> Dreaming Sarah [Catarse]
>> Tormenta: O Desafio dos Deuses [Catarse]
Pirates! - Especial de natal 2012
aí está o especial de natal de Pirates!.
Saca que Vale a Pena #5 Nerd Of The Dead
manga de steve jobs sera publicado
Entrevista com Alan Camilo
MUITAS novidades sobre o Anime Friends 10 anos.
Artista Fodão da Semana #11
POLÊMICA: Carta da Square Enix Cutuca Ministra Marta Suplicy.

terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2013

GamesIndies #10/04/2012


nero DMC 4
Bartman updated!
Ai and some specials improved.
Hugo Simpson
e mais
Glabber the Baki mugen chars
Light Destiny

Light Destiny is a cool, older doujin fighter with nice character animations and cool special moves. One thing that's different about Light Destiny from other doujin FM2nd games is that besides characters having their standard array of moves, attacks change as your special gauge increases in levels (both a good and bad thing). Generally, attacks start off weak but fast and get slower but more powerful, so a bit of strategy is involved. For example, Gia (the "main" character) is balanced with a few almighty special attacks, but Fatty (LOL) specializes in distance and proximity attacks; her fireball grows in power faster than Gia's fireball and at level 2, her fireball's power matches Gia's third level fireball and overpowers his level two fireball. Knowing how your characters will be affected as they increase and decrease in special power is essential to get the most out of them.
You can get this game at:

Pocket-System is a doujin game that was made a couple years ago with the FM95 engine, and is more ambitious than their previous "Azukaku" game. It features original characters as well as a number of characters crossing over into the game, such as characters from "Breakers Special", "Axel City", "Mai" and more (there are also current sprites on the creator's website of more Axel City characters as well as one or two from Akatsuki Blitzkampf). It's done in a neat, decidely retrograde fashion similar to games like Takase's "Dot Fighters", but with more room for combos and the like (can be seen as a good or bad thing). It has nearly twenty characters and the characters have a decent variety of moves and specials with three primary attack buttons (light, medium, and fierce). It only has a few stages however. You can get this game, as well as the others (Pocket-Azukaku and PS2nd, though PS2nd isn't near completion) at:
Second Cross

What can be said about Second Cross? It's an old commercial doujin fighting game made with the FM95 engine back in 2000/2001, retailed for about 3000 yen, had practically no information or hype when it launched, was barely finished (as there are many manual errors, unlisted moves, and missing character bios), and is one of the rarest doujin I own (it's not even listed on Kakuge or Arunau), perhaps besides my Magical Zone and TokiMemo doujins, probably having copies in the hundred figures. It's also one of the most tragically forgotten games made with the FM95 engine and one of the most ambitious doujin out there, especially for its time of release.
While there's a lot of technical things that can be said about the game, it would take too much room to explain it here. All I can say is that the developer no longer makes games (is a prolific hentai artist and does a lot of quality NSFW 18+ content these days as well as Touhou works), a "First Cross" might have existed but his websites don't allude to it AT ALL (not even in the earliest Wayback Machine entries) so I almost want to think that it doesn't even exist, finding screenshots for the game prior to this video was like finding hay in a needlestack (as aside from maybe two in the greatest depths of the devs site, they didn't exist), and that I bought it more for what I didn't know about it than what I did know. Let's talk about this "phantom" game a little.
Second Cross is a "Crossover" fighting game based on characters pooled together by different members of Team Daneko. Featuring almost 30 characters (28, which was basically unheard of for a doujin back then and even now it's practically unheard of), the game is comprised of mostly original characters, mostly original (from what I can discern) music and voice-overs, mostly original fighting styles, and the game features a variety of gameplay mechanics which make for a surprisingly deep fighter. None of the characters feel lazy or rushed, and all of them have many special attacks. Characters' abilities come in five main categories: E/Easy, P/Power, S/Standard, T/Technical, and G/Guest. Easy have two attack buttons and gain two special stock. Power (who are more the standard as there are more of them than anyone else) have three attack buttons and three special stock. Standard have four attack buttons and five special stock. Technical are for pros and have access to all six attack buttons and gain nine special stock (but it fills slower). Guest characters along with a few others have exceptional traits.
The graphics are great for a FM95 game back in early 2000s, and even has its own makeshift anime intro with singing. Even games like Vanguard Princess don't have one... the song is "Chain" sang by "REM"... it says coming soon in the intro... you can tell this game was barely finished. The music is high quality and the game is more or less fully voiced. I could continue talking about this game, but you probably just want a download link right? Well, I did compress this one and it sold out eons ago, so I have no qualms distributing it. You can get it at:
It's a little over 100MB compressed, about 450MB uncompressed (HUGE for a FM95 game btw). Enjoy.
Mikuman X

Mikuman X (known as Mickman X, but due to the original spelling of her name and Mick capable of being pronounced as Miku in Japan, it's a bit of a language joke of sorts) is a short and action-packed game made with the "Game Maker" program and stars Hatsune Miku, the very popular vocaloid. It's noted for its high difficulty level.
In this game, Miku can shoot basic projectiles like Mega Man (she can't charge her shots, but jumping and shooting oddly acts like a charged shot without the charge) and swing a leek like Zero's sword. She is granted very slight invincibility from most attacks with most of her attacks. The reason is because even slight errors can result in a most punishing defeat. Her job is to start outside of an enemy fortress and work her way into the boss' chamber to fight Mega Man 2's "Air Man".
In this video, I beat what I assume to be the whole game in a single life, though there is an option I can't select even though I have a save file, which bugs me a lot. If someone knows what's up with that (and if it's a level), they can fill me in and I can beat it if it's a stage. As-is, I just get booted back to the title screen after beating Air Man.
Weird thing about this video; I recorded it at 60FPS and all seemed good, so I played the game from beginning to end, but Camtasia oddly converted the video to 30FPS afterwards and added some jitters to the framerate, so I apologize about that. I was too lazy to find the cause and do the vid over, but I've recorded games with much higher system requirements at 60FPS. Oh, and the game slows down every time I strike an enemy, so the game gets really slow when I rush through a lot of enemies. I dunno if that's a Vista issue or something, but it threw off my responses a few times. Watching a few other videos, it seems natural.
People love Hatsune Miku. Anyway, enjoy.
Site for Mikuman:
Hatsune Miku PC Game Free download


quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013

GamesIndies #04/04/2013


Kamen Rider Wizard Mugen BETA
MAis um criação do MASKEDO LOL
Agito Remake
Slender Space - No espaço é TENSO!

Mais um jogo do Slender, só que dessa vez no espaço. Diferente dos outros, essa mistura de Dead Space com Slender deu certo e rendeu bastante sustos. Espero que gostem!
Link para download:
MUGEN MINI GAME [Hokuto no Ken Style]

Kenshiro by HNK-Team
Creators Site -
MULK Stage by Brown
Creators Site -
Mulk Stage by Brown
Hokuto no Ken mugen tournament

Izayoi Sakuya Brando by 41 updated 05/31/09
DL @ (download link in first 4th post) or
Shun Sf
22XX: Grand Tournament MEgaman fan game
Phantom Blood Dio!105
Giorno Giovanna,Jonathan Joestar e mais
Robert XIII Beta and Terry XII Ver. 1.9 Released 17/9/2012
Broly by Infinite
Category: DRAGON BALL | Added by: buy | Views: 10058 | Downloads: 4070
· Download Broly by Infinite (21mb)
Call Of Duty: Police Warfare (Official Trailer)


terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2013

Saint Seiya Mugen-

Fangame de Saint SEiya por Franceses
A Demo 1.4 foi disponibilizado recentemente e foi Adicionado o Saga de Gemeos. Por enquanto temos Shura, Saga, Alberich, Shido e Atlas. Em breve ele lançara uma nova demo com Ikki de Fenix.

 Site Oficial onde se encontra a demo:


MAskedo um dos site que fazer mugen do kamerider pra o Mugen LOL

Kuuga mugen

Decade mugen

só no site: