LANÇAMENTO!!Para todos que curtem desenvolvimento de games, saiu a engine Unity 4.3 com suporte nativo ao desenvolvimento de jogos 2D!
Nesta versão, você encontrará o mais esperado conjunto de ferramentas 2D, alguns recursos do Mecanim realmente esplêndidos, MonoDevelop 4.0.1 (sabíamos que ficaria contente com isso), muitos dos principais recursos do Windows 8 e Windows Store Apps, integração Plastic SCM para a sua satisfação de controle de versão e centenas de otimizações.
Estamos muitos gratos a todos os testadores Alpha e Beta, sem os quais não poderíamos ter transformado estas magníficas ideias em recursos estáveis – nosso imenso agradecimento.
Unity é um mecanismo 3D, certo? Não é bem assim – agora é mais. Basta selecionar o novo modo editor 2D para acessar o nosso especial e simplificado fluxo de trabalho em 2D. Você ficará surpreso quando descobrir como é flexível e útil criar uma sequência animada de imagens (SpriteSheet).
As nossas ferramentas 2D facilitam importar sprites, povoar cenas, incluir elementos físicos e fazer a animação. E ainda, os novos recursos 2D estão disponíveis na versão gratuita do Unity!

Unity 4.3 - 2D Game Development Walkthrough
- Economize tempo encaixando sprites automaticamente;
- Repita as suas ideias mais rapidamente com a nossa janela de animação em 2D;
- Gere animações automaticamente a partir de diversos sprites;
- Inclua dimensão: Combine 2D e 3D com facilidade

Sexta parte do tutorial de desenvolvimento de games para Android com Unity 3D da Indie Developers Brasil.
inscreva-se no canal para receber mais tutoriais .
Well, this is Doomsday by Ax, edited by Gargantham & myself... we adapted many moves from the old Doomsday by Lord Sinestro into Ax's creation, without (normally) bugs. We also added new intros, new winposes & an arcade intro.
The char is both for winmugen & mugen 1.0. However, the AI patch called "doomsdayAI.cmd" is for 1.0 only, except if you replace all the "AIlevel>0" by "var(59)=1" in the command file. So basicaly, if you want to use that patch, you must to specify in the .def file "mugenversion = 1.0". More details & all the credits are in the readme file.
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CvS Tekken Updated 2013
Hello paisanos! Now I updated-not all-some chars, Kazuya, Jin, Paul, Heihachi/Young Heihachi and Moku Pac-Man
PC Mugen: New 52 Superman VS Goku Z2
Ok, for people that are angry with Screwattack about their take on Goku VS Superman, please do not continue the argument. because both are good in their own ways. Another thing that disturbs me is why would someone would pit one who breaks limits against one who has no limits in the first place. I mean really? Superman is really powerful with feats he has done in the past and present. Goku still has a long way to go.

This KFM is for free use and it is not necessary to have peir permission to use it is his works mugen.It contains everything necessary to work the basic one of SF4.
Fists and kicks: you can add the atauqe of your personage without it should affect the CMD and CNS
Saving attack: the only thing that they must support in code is the form in which the movement is registered, change sounds, sprites and anim for his personage and change the snd that has the char only
Super: they can use what they want in his personage but only add -3000 of power
Ultra: in order that it does not affect the bar do not erase the VARIABLES and the ultra uses movement they are NO problems in his personage
I damage and ko SND: the char possesses a few basic sounds of hurt, ko and chaep ko only supplant them for those who want and do not erase them of the SND to modify his personage
Kung Fu Man:

Doomsday de yv

Ryu e Ken sf4 2d ver
Ryu and ken has intro on having been in battle and ken does not have mistakes in the tatsumaki.The difference of my chars to them of REIs chars he is that I am making to them a very different spriting and with mas snd packaging
Ken: more fast, more combos, new picture of ultra movement, two snd packaging and new stance for the char
Ryu: NEW SPRITES, new combos, new image of ultra movement and improved AI
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